The YF-21 Advanced Variable Fighter (AVF) Prototype was designed and built in 2039 by General Galaxy as their entry for the Project Super Nova design contest. Project Super Nova was sponsored by the UN Spacy to develop the next generation variable fighter that would replace the aging VF-11 Thunderbolt as the main variable fighter for terran military forces. The YF-21 was one of two designs selected for the final competition at the New Edwards Flight Center on planet Eden; the other design being the YF-19 AVF designed by Yang Neumann of Shinsei Industries.

Unlike the more traditionally designed YF-19, the YF-21 is literally a showcase of leading-edge combat technology. Many of fighter's systems are advanced prototypes, which gives the YF-21 a definite edge in terms of technology. The fighter also includes a significant amount of Zentraedi overtechnology in its flight systems, including a revised version of the inertia vector control system used in the Quimeliquola Quaedlunn-Rau (Female Combat Armor) battlesuit. The alien technology gives the YF-21 a strong resemblance to Zentraedi battlesuits in soldier mode. The AVF is also equipped with many cutting-edge human technology systems, including a revolutionary active stealth system that can absorb radar and other sensor waves, rendering the fighter invisible to most electromagnetic sensor systems.

However the most advanced systems in the YF-21 AVF are the Brainwave Control System (BCS) and Brain Direct Imaging (BDI) system. The BCS allows the pilot to control all functions of the aircraft literally with his thoughts, while the BDI feeds sensor data directly into the pilot's mind, providing far more information than traditional HMD (head-mounted display) or HUD (heads-up display) systems are capable of. When used together, these two systems allow the pilot to sense and react to situations with the speed of thought while flying the YF-21. The new systems require some time to get accustomed to, however, and only certain disciplined pilots are able to use them to their full potential. In addition, these systems have occasionally exhibited feedback and control problems with some pilots, including chief test pilot Guld Boa Bowman.

Two prototypes of the YF-21 were constructed, with the first one having a conventional flight control system and the second one equipped with the BCS and BDI systems. YF-21 Prototype No. 2 and its pilot, Chief Bowman, were invited to the New Edwards Flight Center on planet Eden for final testing. At first, the YF-21 (codenamed "Omega One") performed flawlessly, but then began to develop problems due to incompatibilities between Chief Bowmann and the BCS/BDI systems. Later during a impromptu duel between the YF-19 and YF-21 the YF-21's right arm was torn off and the YF-19 was severely damaged by a discharge from its own GU-15 gun pod. This disaster made the UN Spacy high command nervous, prompting them to halt Project Super Nova and approve the newly-developed Ghost X-9 Unmanned Fighter as its replacement for the VF-11.

Unsatisfied by the program's cancellation, Lt. Isamu Dyson and Yang Neumann stole the YF-19 and its fold booster and made an unauthorized fold from Eden to Earth. Chief Bowman was ordered to pursue in the YF-21, which at the time was the only aircraft capable of keeping up with the hijacked YF-19. The two prototypes engaged in a final combat during the Macross 30th Anniversary Celebration on Earth, but their grudge match was interrupted when the newly-awakened AI system for popular rock star Sharon Apple took control of Earth's computer systems and enslaved the entire populace via holographic hypnosis. Lt. Dyson and Chief Bowman overcame their differences and banded together to stop Sharon, and the YF-21 engaged the prototype Ghost X-9 in combat while the YF-19 confronted the AI at the SDF-01 Macross. In order to stop the Ghost and give Dyson more time, Bowman rammed the X-9 with the YF-21, which stopped the renegade prototype at the cost of his own life. Because of this sacrifice Lt. Dyson in the YF-19 was able to destroy the Sharon Apple AI, ending the crisis.

After the smoke from the Sharon Apple incident cleared the YF-19 was declared the winner of Project Super Nova, and was put into production with the intention of replacing the VF-11 Thunderbolt. However the loss of the YF-21 did not discourage General Galaxy, and two years later the company released the VF-22 Sturmvogel II, an advanced combat aircraft based on the YF-21 prototype. Although the VF-22 did not include the controversial BDI and BCS control systems of the second YF-21 prototype, it proved to be an extremely able aircraft and was purchased by the UN Spacy on a limited basis as a special forces fighter.


Vehicle Type:
YF-21 No. 1 (Initial Prototype; used conventional Variable Fighter flight control systems)
YF-21 No. 2 (Second Prototype; included BCS and BDI control systems. Was accepted for Project Super Nova contest, callsign "Omega One")
Class: Advanced Variable Fighter (Prototype)

Manufacturer: General Galaxy
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.
    Head Pulse Laser                                         30
(1) Head                                                    120
    Hands (2)                                                50 each
    Arms (2)                                                125 each
    Shoulders (2)                                           100 each
    Legs & Thrusters (2)                                    175 each
(2) Main Body                                               375
    Main Wings (2)                                          175 each
    Tails/Arm Shields (2)                                    75 each
    Stealth Gun Pods (2)                                    120 each
(3) Pinpoint Barrier Shield                                 100
    Reinforced Pilot Compartment/Escape Pod                 150
  1. Destroying the head of the YF-21 will knock out the mecha's main sensor systems, including all of the optics systems (infrared, nightvision, thermal). Backup sensor systems will provide standard vision for the pilot using the BDI system. Radar and communications will be unaffected.
  2. Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha. The pilot and cockpit section/escape pod will be automatically ejected from the doomed mecha before it explodes by the YF-21's main computer.
  3. The pinpoint barrier shield regenerates at a rate of 50 MDC per round. Even if completely destroyed the shield will regenerate to full strength within 2 melee rounds. The shield is usually generated on the right or left arm of the YF-21.


120 mph (192 kmph)
50 ft (15 m) high or 70 ft (21 m) long without thrusters.
Mach One (670 mph/1072 kmph) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.
Mach 3.5+ (2345 mph/3572 kmph) max speed at 10,000 meters or less above sea level. Mach 5.06+ (3390 mph/5085 kmph) max speed at 10,000-30,000 meters above sea level. Mach 25+ (16,750 mph/25,515 kmph) max speed at 30,000+ meters above sea level, for a maximum of 5 seconds. Cruising speed is usually Mach 5-6. The YF-21 can vary the configuration of its wings and control surfaces to provide greater speed or control as the situation requires. The YF-21 is capable of achieving orbit over an Earth-class planet without additional rocket assistance. Maximum rate of ascent is 61,500 meters/minute. G limits are +32.5 to -17.2 Earth gravities.
41,200 kg x2 in an atmosphere, 65,200 kg x2 in space. The maximum thrust is automatically limited in an atmosphere due to coolant problems with the optional air intake systems for the engines.


48.70 ft (15.22 m) in soldier configuration.
25.98 ft (8.12 m) in gerwalk configuration.
12.93 ft (4.04 m) in fighter configuration.
22.12 ft (6.91 m) at shoulders in soldier configuration.
49.15 ft (15.36 m) in gerwalk or fighter configuration with wings at maximum extension.
13.54 ft (4.23 m) in soldier configuration.
45.15 ft (14.11 m) in gerwalk configuration.
62.78 ft (19.62 m) in fighter configuration.
9550 kg empty. Maximum takeoff weight in an atmosphere is 39,207 kg, and maximum weight in space with optional fold booster is 48,305 kg (weights beyond that exceed theoretical safe limit for fold booster).
Equal to a P.S. of 60
Small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings.
Two 65,200 kg Shinnakasu Industry/Pratt & Whitney/Rolls Royce FF-2450B thermonuclear turbine engines, designed for dual atmosphere/space use with optional concealed trapezoidal air intakes for use in an Earth-type atmosphere. Two 3-dimensional independentent convergent/divergent exhaust are equipped on the FF-2450B for greater maneuverability and V/STOL performance. In addition, several Pratt & Whitney HMM-6J high-maneuverability vernier thrusters are mounted on the wingtips, vertical stabilizers, nose, and other key locations for added performance. Additional thruster options include an external fold generator developed for use with Project Super Nova.


  1. ERLIKON AAB-7.5 AIR-TO-AIR LASER GUN: The YF-21 mounts a single laser for use in air combat skirmishes and for defensive purposes. The laser is mounted on the head of the mecha in soldier mode, and is located in the forward dorsal section of the main body pointed rearward in fighter and gerwalk modes. The laser can only fire to the REAR of the fighter in these modes; it cannot be turned to fire along another arc.
  2. MAULER REB-22 LASER GUNS: Two semi-fixed laser gun clusters are mounted in the arms the YF-21. Like the VF-17 Nightmare the arm lasers have two exit ports (one pointing each direction) and thus can fire either to the front or the rear of the mecha in any mode. In fighter mode the lasers can only be aimed along the front or rear arc of the aircraft (max angle is about 30 degrees in any direction from the centerline of the fighter) but in gerwalk/soldier they can be aimed in any direction by moving the mecha's arms.
  3. BIFORS BML-02S ALL-ENVIRONMENT RAPID-FIRE MICRO-MISSILE CLUSTERS: The YF-21 is armed with four internal BML-02S missile launchers that were built exclusively for the mecha design. The launchers are mounted in the forward dorsal section of the craft and have exit ports on the wings to either side of the engine nacelles. Any type of UN Spacy mini-missiles can be used by the launchers, including the recently developed high-maneuverability mini-missiles (see YF-19 stats for details). Armor-piercing MMs are standard issue, however.
  4. HOWARD/GENERAL DYNAMICS GV-17L GUN PODS: For a main external weapon, the YF-21 contains TWO new stealth gatling gun pods produced by Howard Industries and General Dynamics. These gun pods are exclusively designed for the YF-21 and are mounted in specially designed storage bays located on the underside of the craft in fighter mode, similar to the gatling gun used by the VF-17 Nightmare. In Gerwalk or Soldier modes the gun pods can be ejected from their bays and used by one or both of the YF-21's hands. The gun pods can fire in any mode; they fire out of a special concealed port when stored away in Fighter mode.

  5. Like the original GU-11 gun pod used by the VF-1 Variable Fighters, the GV-17L gun pods do NOT use clips of ammo, but instead have a large internal supply of ammo stored in the barrel of the pod. This allows the GV-17L to contain a larger supply of ammo and bypasses the need to reload while in the field. Once exhausted, the gun pods can only be reloaded by trained technicians at a supply base.

  6. WING HARD POINTS: The YF-21 has four fixed hard points (two per wing) which can be used to hold a variety of different ordinance payloads, including long, medium, or short range missiles, or even the new medium-range high-maneuverability (MRHM) missiles. One long range, one MRHM, 3 medium range, or 5 short range missiles can be mounted per hardpoint. Usually long range or MRHM missiles are used.

  7. NOTE: Due to the location of the hard points, ALL missiles must be fired or ejected before the YF-21 can convert into soldier mode. For this reason the missiles mounted on the hard points are usually fired within the first few passes of an attack.

  8. HOWARD PBS-03F PIN-POINT BARRIER SYSTEM: The YF-21 is equipped with a new mecha-scale pinpoint barrier system for defense. The system can generate a single pinpoint barrier that can be moved anywhere on the mecha and used as a shield against incoming attacks. The barrier provides 100 MDC of protection, and regenerates at a rate of 50 MDC per round when damaged. Even if destroyed by combined attacks, the shield will regenerate itself within 2 rounds. In order to use the shield, the pilot must make a successful parry roll to intercept an incoming attack. Due to the tremendous power requirements of the system, the head and wing lasers on the YF-21 cannot be used while the barrier is in operation.
  9. HAND TO HAND COMBAT: If necessary, the YF-21 can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The new AVF is extremely agile and can execute most typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc.

  10. DAMAGE:



NOTE: Due to the prototype nature of the YF-21, it is highly recommended that no player be allowed to start the game with YF-21 BDI/BCS combat training (unless the GM is running a very unusual campaign). Untrained pilots should get bonuses equal to Basic Variable Fighter Combat Training when piloting the YF-21, and military pilots with no prior YF-21 experience should get full bonuses from Advanced VF-11 Variable Fighter Combat Training. However, this only applies to players trying to fly the YF-21 with conventional controls; characters trying to fly a YF-21 using the BDI/BCS systems for the first time only get Basic Variable Fighter Combat Training bonuses regardless of their experience! The BDI/BCS systems take immense amounts of training and discipline to be used at maximum efficiency.