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Aurin Leithar


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human female 1 (doctor Aurin Leith).png (25542 byte)

Aurin Leithar
Rebel Medic
Dex: 3D Know: 4D Mech: 2D Perc: 3D Stren: 2D Tech: 4D
Move: 10 Credits: 100 Character Points: 5 Force Sensitive? Force Points: 1 DarkSide Points: 0
Alter: 0 Control: 0 Sense: 0

Dodge 4D

Languages 5D

Alien Species 5D

Medicine (A) 1D

Droid Repair 5D

Droid Programming 5D

First Aid Comlink (personal) 5D 1

Medpac 5

Medical Datapad 1

Glow Rod 1

Blaster Pistol DL-18 (4D) 1
Background: Aurin grew up on Coruscant during the last years of the Old Republic, the daughter of two minor bureaucrats who suffered the
reversals of fortune during the political upheaval surrounding senator Palpatine's rise to supreme power. At 18 she was accepted as a student at
the Academy of medecine at the University of Byblos, and graduated six years later with large amount of book-knowledge and very little
practical experience. Aurin decision to join the Rebellion was neither simple nor straightforward, but stemmed from a dramatic event: the
disappearance of an outspoken co-worker and close friend following imperial interrogation. She served for a couple of years in the triage bay of
an Alliance medical frigate.

Personality: shy and reserved. You'll neer ear her shouting, nevertheless during emergencies she gives out her best: always keeps herself calm and
confident, she knows what to do and how to do it.


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