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Mika Powel


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Mika Powell
Young Privateer
Dex: 3D Know: 3D Mech: 4D Perc: 3D Stren: 2D Tech: 3D
Move: 10 Credits: 0 Character Points: 5 Force Sensitive? Force Points: 1 DarkSide Points: 0
Alter: 0 Control: 0 Sense: 0

Law Enforcement: imperial customs 4D

Streetwise 4D

Space Transports: Baudo-class space 5D

Starship Shields 5D

Starship Gunnery 5D

Sensors 5D

Astrogation Blaster Pistol DL-18 (4D) 5D 1

Bargain 4D

Space Transports Repair: 4D
Background: forced into piracy at a young age, you rose from cabin boy through the ranks to captain of your own small but resourceful ship!
Now you want to make more of your life and someday retire on some luxury world. You have contracted your services to the Rebel Alliance as a
privateer in return for a pardon and half the profits.

Personality: A dashing rogue at heart, you never a aquired the bloodlust that consumes many pirates. You love outwitting prize ships and patrols
while raiding the Empire's ill-gotten gains.

Objectives: To amass enough credits to retire in style.

A Quote: "Gently, genly… Fire the ion cannon! Tractor beam on! Prepare to board! Blasters on stun, lads!"

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