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Blaster Rifle Stormtrooper One (5D) |
Model: |
SoroSuub Stormtrooper One Blaster Rifle |
Skill: |
Blaster: blaster rifle |
This rifle began production immediatly after SoroSuub's exclusive Imperial contract began. It is a clone of the BlasTech E-11, being indistinguishable from that weapon only upon close |
examination. Initially, BlasTech threatened SoroSuub with legal action if production on the Stormtrooper One did not cease, but after a few memorandums from Imperial advisors BlasTech |
let the legal threats drop. The Stormtrooper One has begun to replace the E-11 as the standard issue rifle in Imperial service. |
Note: If folding stock and scope are used to aim for one round, add +1D to blaster skill. |