| |

Dex: |
2D+1 |
Know: |
3D+1 |
Mech: |
5D |
Perc: |
3D+1 |
Stren: |
1D+1 |
Tech: |
2D+2 |
Move: |
8 |
Credits: |
600 |
CharacterPoints: |
5 |
ForceSensitive?: |
Yes |
ForcePoints: |
2 |
DarkSidePoints: |
0 |
Alter: |
0 |
Control: |
0 |
Sense: |
0 |
| Bureaucracy: Imperial |
4D+1 |
| Planetary Systems: Tapani Sector |
4D+1 |
| Hold-Out Blaster Q2 (3D) |
1 |
Background: you were born nd raised on Mrllst. Like many Mrlssti, you were raised to believe that education is the most precious commodity a |
being can possess. As a young adult, you desperately wanted to go to Coruscant to continue your education, but were turned down because you |
were an alien. Being denied an eucational oppportunity because of your species went against everything your culture taught you. Your intense |
disappointment turned you against the Empire. You served in the Freeworlds Common Navy for nearly a decade, first as a shuttle pilot, then as |
a piloting instructor. It was while in the military that you descovered your love for teaching. After your tour was up,you returned to Mrrlst to |
become a freelance tutor, hiring yourself to Mrlsst to become a freelance tutor, hiring yourself out to teach small bands of students who wanted |
to supplement their official education, or who were too poor to afford it. Movign in these new circles, you met others who felt as you do about |
the Empire, and began to establish ties with them. You have resolved to to seek out the Rebel Alliance and see if ti can make use of your skills. |
Personality: You are quiet and self-effacing in day to day discourse, but behind your peaceful front lurks the heart of a warrior. In the cockpit of |
a spacecraft, you are a killing machine. |