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Maurne Faumelle


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tapani house rebel conspirator.png (23306 byte)

Maurne Faumelle
Tapani House Rebel Conspirator
Dex: 3D+1 Know: 3D+1 Mech: 2D+2 Perc: 4D Stren: 2D+2 Tech: 2D
Move: 10 Credits: 2000 CharacterPoints: 5 ForceSensitive?: No ForcePoints: 1 DarkSidePoints: 0
Alter: 0 Control: 0 Sense: 0

Dodge 4D+1

Blaster 4D+1

Value 4D+1

Bureaucracy: Imperial 4D+1

Cultures: nobility 4D+1

Planetary Systems: Tapani Sector 4D+1

Search 5D

Con 5D

Persuasion 5D

Hold-Out Blaster Q2 (3D) 1

Comlink (personal) 1
Background: You were born into one of Tapani sector's noble houses. As a child of the minor nobility, you grew up in a privileged household,
wanting nothing. However, as you grew older and began traveling to other worlds, you discovered that life is much harder elsewhere-and that the
Empire is much crueler. Unable to find happiness in an Empire that crushes everything that ooffends it, you began to look for ways to oppose
it. With some careful searching, you discovered likeminded people with connectionsto the Rebellion and convinced them to trust you. You
attended a Rebel training camp under cover of a vacation, and after several weeks of basic espionage and military training, you are back in
Tapani sector, ready to tke the war to the Empire.

Personality: You are extremely sharp and resourceful, but you hide this side of yourself from your peers in the nobility-it wouldn't do for them
to suspect you are capable of doing hte sorts of things you plan to do to the Imperials in Tapani sector. You are unwilling to put the Cause ahed

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