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arconan.png (17558 byte)


AttributeDice 12D

MinDex 1D+1

MaxDex 3D

MinKnow 1D

MaxKnow 3D

MinMech 1D+1

MaxMech 3D+1

MinPerc 1D+2

MaxPerc 3D

MinStr 2D

MaxStr 4D

MinTech 1D

MaxTech 3D

MinMove 8

MaxMove 10

MinSize 1,7

MaxSize 2

Special Skills

Strength skills:

Digging: Time to use: One round or longer. Allows the Arcona to use their talons to dig through soil or other similar substances.

Special Abilities

Senses: Arcona have weak long-distance vision (+10 to the difficulty of all tasks involving vision at distances >15m), but excellent close-range

senses (+1D to all Perception skills involving heat, smell or movement <15 meters)

Thick Hide: +1D to Strength for defence from physical damage.

Talons: +1D to climbing, Strength (when determining damage), or digging.

Salt Weakness: easily addicted to salt. If consumes salt, it must make a Very Diffcult willpower roll not to become addicted. Salt addicts require 25

grams of slt per day, or they will suffer -1D to all actions.

Story Factors

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