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hutt.png (46505 byte)


AttributeDice 14D

MinDex +1

MaxDex 3D

MinKnow 2D

MaxKnow 5D

MinMech 1D

MaxMech 3D+2

MinPerc 2D

MaxPerc 5D

MinStr 2D

MaxStr 5D

MinTech 1D

MaxTech 4D

MinMove 0

MaxMove 4

MinSize 3

MaxSize 5

Special Skills

Special Abilities

Force Resistance:Hutts have an innate defense against Force-based mind manipulation techniques and roll double their perception dice to resist such

attacks. However, because of this, Hutts are not believed to be able to learn Force skills.

Story Factors

Reputation: Hutts are almost universally despised, even by those who find themselves benefitting from the Hutt's activities. Were it not for the ring

of protection with which the Hutts surround themselves, they would surely be exterminated within a few years.

Self-centered: Hutts cannot look "beyond themselves" (or their offspring or parents) in their considerations. However, because they are master

manipulators, they can compromise - "I'll give him what he wants to get what I want." They cannot be philanthropic without ulterior motives.

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