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sluissi.png (22131 byte)


AttributeDice 13D

MinDex 1D

MaxDex 2D

MinKnow 1D

MaxKnow 3D+2

MinMech 2D

MaxMech 3D

MinPerc 1D+1

MaxPerc 3D+2

MinStr 1D+2

MaxStr 3D+2

MinTech 2D

MaxTech 5D

MinMove 8

MaxMove 10

MinSize 1,5

MaxSize 1,8

Special Skills

Special Abilities

Technical Aptitiude: Sluissi recieve an extra 4D beginning skill dice, all of which must be placed in Technical. They may place up to 4D in

beginning Technical skills. Unfortunately, whenever a Sluissi uses a Technical skill, the action always takes twice as long as for other species.

Story Factors

Relaxed: Sluissi, in general, are a very calm bunch. Nothing excites them. Their patience and seeming inability to get genuinely upset or excited

sometimes infuriates them other species.

Note: Sluissi have no legs...they are snake like. However, they do not slither on their full belly. They prop themselves up and slither along with the

lower tail.

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