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AttributeDice 12D

MinDex 1D

MaxDex 3D

MinKnow 1D

MaxKnow 2D+2

MinMech 2D

MaxMech 4D+1

MinPerc 1D

MaxPerc 3D+1

MinStr 1D

MaxStr 2D+2

MinTech 1D

MaxTech 3D+2

MinMove 10

MaxMove 12

MinSize 1

MaxSize 1,8

Special Skills

Special Abilities

Enhanced Senses: +2D bonus when making a Perception or Search checks involving vision in low-light conditions or hearing.

Location Sense: Once a Sullustan has visited an area, he always remembers how to return to the area - he cannot get lost in a place that he has

visited before. When using the astrogation skill to jump to a place a Sullustan has been, the astrogator receives a bonus of +1D.

Story Factors

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