VGA Planets Order Of Actions Copyright (c) 1995-1996, Scott Shepherd Knowing your enemy is half the battle, knowing how the game is played is the other half. If you want to be an effective player it is very important that you refer to the Order of Actions constantly until you have a good feel for it. It would also be wise to play several test games against non-cheating CPlayers and experiment with the OOA. This list should be completely accurate for Host version 3.2. AUXHOST 1 1. Update planet structures built during turn 2. Update cargo/MC transfers from owned planets/ships during turn 3. Build bases 4. Meteor shower 5. Birdmen mission 9 - part 1 - Fcode change 6. SENSOR SWEEP missions (including Bioscan) 7. Minefield Fcode 8. Cloak 9. Loki 1st decloak 10. Privateers mission 9: ROB 11. Most missions 9: HISSS, BUILT FIGHTERS, REPAIR, DARK SENSE 12. Cargo drop/pick up (ship to unowned/enemy/allied planet) 13. Cargo transfer (ship to enemy/allied ship) 14. Lady Royale generates 1 MC per clan 15. Beam Fcodes (bdm, bum, lfm, btf, etc.) 16. Gather missions (fuel, minerals, and supplies) 17. Alchemy 18. Mine decay 19. Mine lay 20. Crystals mission 9: LAY WEB MINES 21. Make torps fcode (mkt) 22. Ion storms 23. Mine sweep/scoop 24. Web drain 25. Star base FIX/RECREW/RECYCLE ships 26. 1st build new ships 27. Clone ships 28. Fed mission 9: SUPER REFIT 29. Surrender 30. Recalculate ship mass 31. Repair ships with supplies 32. Towing ships move 33. Most ships move (including Hyperdrive) 34. Ships on intercept move 35. Warp Well calculation 36. Recalculate ship mass 37. GLORY DEVICE 38. CHUNNEL 39. Loki 2nd decloak 40. Other star base missions 41. Ships with Ramscoop make fuel 42. Recalculate ship mass 43. Ship vs. ship combat 44. Ship damage - Boom if > 100% 45. Repair with supplies 46. Ship vs. planet/base combat 47. Birdmen mission 9 - part 2 - SUPER SPY 48. Fascists and Rebels mission 9: PILLAGE and REBEL GROUND ATTACK (RGA) 49. Ship science missions: Alchemy and Terraform 50. Cyborg assimilate 51. Minerals and supplies produced on planets 52. Taxes calculated 53. Happiness change computed 54. Taxes produce MC - Not, if rioting 55. Population growth - Based upon climate/happiness 56. 2nd ship build - Post-combat Priority Point Build 57. Ship mass check 58. Ship XYR 59. Planet explore AUXHOST 2 Host sequence by Dave "Duckster" Howard AUXHOST 1 1. Update planet structures built during turn 2. Update cargo/MC transfers from owned planets/ships 3. Build bases 4. Meteor shower 5. Loki 1st decloak 6. SENSOR SWEEP missions (including Bioscan) 7. CLOAK mission (Hconfig cloak fail rate set) 8. Birdmen mission 9: ESPIONAGE (Fcode change attempt) 9. Minefield Fcode established 10. Privateers mission 9: ROB 11. Most missions 9: HISSS, BUILT FIGHTERS, REPAIR, DARK SENSE 12. Cargo drop/pick up (ship to all planets) 13. IMPERIAL ASSAULT 14. Cargo transfer (ship to ship) 15. Lady Royale generates 1 MC per clan 16. Beam transfer Fcodes (gs?, bdm, bum, lfm, btf, etc.) 17. Beam transfer Fcodes (bdm, bum, lfm, btf, etc.) 18. Gather missions (fuel, minerals, supplies) 19. Alchemy 20. LAY MINE 21. Crystals mission 9: LAY WEB MINES 22. Ion storms 23. Mine sweep/scoop 24. Mine decay (mines destroy mines) 25. New minefields Fcodes established 26. Web drain 27. Cheat detect 28. Work on ships (fix/recrew/recycle with starbase) 29. 1st build new ships 30. Clone ships 31. Fed mission 9: SUPER REFIT 32. Force a Surrender at starbase 33. Recalculate ship masses (repair with supplies) 34. Make torps in space (mkt fcode) 35. Towing ships move 36. Most ships move (including Hyperdrive) 37. Intercepting ships move 38. Warp Well calculation 39. GLORY DEVICE 40. CHUNNEL 41. Loki 2nd decloak 42. All other starbase missions 43. Ships with Ramscoop make fuel 44. Recalculate ship mass (repair with supplies) 45. New natives 46. COLONIZE ships 47. Ship vs. ship combat 48. Recalculate ship mass (boom if > 100% or repair with supplies if <100%) 49. Ship vs. planet/base combat 50. Terraforming mission 51. Planets produces minerals and supplies 52. Birdmen mission 9: SUPER SPY 53. Fascists and Rebels mission 9: PILLAGE and REBEL GROUND ATTACK (RGA) 54. Cyborg assimilate 55. Taxes calculated 56. Happiness change computed 57. Taxes produce MC (If not rioting) 58. Population growth [based on climate and happiness (happiness >70)] 59. 2nd ship build [post-combat Priority Point Build (P.B.P >20)] 60. Recalculate ship mass (repair with supplies) 61. Ship XYR (save ship data in starmap data fields) 62. EXPLORATION missions 63. Make score log 64. Kill points messages 65. Dump old messages 66. Count UFO's 67. Save Host data 68. Update time stamp AUXHOST 2 Add-ons run here.