Campionato Italiano di Vga Planets
Pagina aggiornata il: 24/09/2003 alle ore: 17.07

Game #28- " Red-Session " - Status: Completed
Host Day S___T__
Prossimo Host -- ore: 4.00
Ultimo Host giocato 26/06/2003 6.34
Turno Numero 60
Rank Razza Player Alias TurnStatus ITAScore Turni Persi
1st Federation Angelo Missing 53989 0
2nd Fascist Bilbo Missing 35881 0
3rd Robot Estremo Missing 25910 0
4th Privateer Daniele De Nigris Missing 20135 1
5th Crystalline wilcox Missing 17441 0
6th Birdmen Pippo Missing 2611 0
7th Rebel 1089 28
8th Lizard 980 39
9th Cyborg 60
10th Evil Empire 91
11th Colonial 64


VplNet Italian Host
Ranking Score

Elaborated with MSCORE 4.0 by Mauro Cappelli

Red-Session-2003 (Jun 2003)


old Mscore Time Malus new Mscore
Angelo Bongiovanni +0 - - +50 +100 +31 +35 +187 +58 +95 - - - 556
Corrado Cirio +1291 - -50 - +6 +3 +5 +18 +9 +11 - - - 1293
Alvise Bettio +1020 - -100 -6 - +2 +3 +21 +7 +13 - - - 960
Daniele de Nigris +36 - -31 -3 -2 - +8 +70 +27 +51 - - - 156
Daniele Calanca -77 - -35 -5 -3 -8 - +42 +22 +46 - - - -18
Matteo Boccafoli +820 - -187 -18 -21 -70 -42 - +2 +7 - - - 491
Fabio Mantello -17 - -58 -9 -7 -27 -22 -2 - +14 - - - -128
Alessandro Revelant +195 - -95 -11 -13 -51 -46 -7 -14 - - - - -42

Game #29- " Black-Session " - Status: Completed
Host Day S___T__
Prossimo Host -- ore: 4.00
Ultimo Host giocato 01/06/2003 4.09
Turno Numero 53
Rank Razza Player Alias TurnStatus ITAScore Turni Persi
1st Privateer Sowsav Missing 44032 0
2nd Lizard caio duilio Missing 39571 0
3rd Evil Empire Macros the Black Missing 24004 0
4th Crystalline Gollum Missing 18457 0
5th Federation 9442 5
6th Rebel 785 9
7th Birdmen 300 13
8th Fascist 55
9th Cyborg 57
10th Robot 55
11th Colonial 12


VplNet Italian Host
Ranking Score

Elaborated with MSCORE 4.0 by Mauro Cappelli

Black-Session-2003 (Jun 2003)


old Mscore Time Malus new Mscore
Enrico Celmanti +927 - - +3 +6 +7 +18 +11 +11 +17 - - - 1000
Francesco Cirone +277 - -3 - +9 +13 +38 +25 +11 +43 - - - 413
Mauro Campo +253 - -6 -9 - +7 +26 +19 +9 +37 - - - 336
Stefano Morelli +55 - -7 -13 -7 - +18 +18 +10 +41 - - - 115
Kurita +436 - -18 -38 -26 -18 - +4 +3 +16 - - - 359
Alessandro Monaco +0 - -11 -25 -19 -18 -4 - +3 +22 - - - -52
Antonio Massara -611 - -11 -11 -9 -10 -3 -3 - +30 - - - -628
Daniele Zonari +76 - -17 -43 -37 -41 -16 -22 -30 - - - - -130

Game #30- " Blue-Session " - Status: Completed
Host Day S___T__
Prossimo Host -- ore: 4.00
Ultimo Host giocato 26/06/2003 6.39
Turno Numero 60
Rank Razza Player Alias TurnStatus ITAScore Turni Persi
1st Federation The Klingon Missing 38895 0
2nd Robot Giuseppe Missing 31239 0
3rd Colonial apv Missing 30570 0
4th Privateer ecambi Missing 19448 0
5th Lizard Zar Missing 17069 0
6th Crystalline Logan Missing 15925 0
7th Fascist 4977 4
8th Rebel 3194 40
9th Birdmen 61
10th Cyborg 61
11th Evil Empire 65


VplNet Italian Host
Ranking Score

Elaborated with MSCORE 4.0 by Mauro Cappelli

Blue-Session-2003 (Jun 2003)


old Mscore Time Malus new Mscore
Gildo Apicella +757 - - +5 +7 +15 +9 +18 +11 +70 - - - 892
Giuseppe Spina +432 - -5 - +6 +17 +12 +25 +16 +101 - - - 604
Alessandro Verri +153 - -7 -6 - +13 +13 +30 +20 +132 - - - 348
Enrico Cambi +350 - -15 -17 -13 - +4 +14 +11 +77 - - - 411
Roberto Zanasi -111 - -9 -12 -13 -4 - +15 +15 +121 - - - 2
Daniele Parpagnoli +153 - -18 -25 -30 -14 -15 - +5 +52 - - - 108
Enrique -259 - -11 -16 -20 -11 -15 -5 - +50 - - - -287
Valerio Allori +757 - -70 -101 -132 -77 -121 -52 -50 - - - - 154