Campionato Italiano di Vga Planets 2003/2004

Game #45- " GREEN SESSION " - Status: Completed

Host Day S___T__
Prossimo Host -- ore: 17.00
Ultimo Host giocato 07/09/04 17.02
Turno Numero 60
Rank Razza Player Alias TurnStatus ITAScore Turni Persi
1st Birdman Gollum Missing 125566 0
2nd Privateer Paolo Fiore Missing 124142 0
3rd Crystalline ecambi Missing 80929 0
4th Lizard Zar Missing 49797 1
5th Federation White Falcon Missing 46026 0
6th Rebel 45029 0
7th Colonial Den Missing 30386 2
8th Robot 2992 25
9th Fascist 65
10th Cyborg 65
11th Evil Empire 65

VplNet Italian Host
Ranking Score

Elaborated with MSCORE 4.0 by Mauro Cappelli

GREEN SESSION - 2003 (Sept 2004)


old Mscore Time Malus new Mscore
Stefano Morelli +65 - - +9 +66 +30 +43 +50 +60 +13 - - - 271
Paolo Fiore -27 - -9 - +34 +20 +34 +41 +52 +11 - - - 156
Enrico Cambi +751 - -66 -34 - +2 +6 +8 +11 +9 - - - 687
Roberto Zanasi +0 - -30 -20 -2 - +10 +20 +30 +7 - - - 15
White Falcon +53 - -43 -34 -6 -10 - +9 +18 +5 - - - -8
Daniele Zonari +0 - -50 -41 -8 -20 -9 - +10 +3 - - - -115
Legolas +0 - -60 -52 -11 -30 -18 -10 - +1 - - - -180
Q Player -2034 - -13 -11 -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 - - - - -2083

Game #46- " RED SESSION " - Status: Completed
Host Day S___T__
Prossimo Host -- ore: 4.00
Ultimo Host giocato 20/06/04 17.02
Turno Numero 60
Rank Razza Player Alias TurnStatus ITAScore Turni Persi
1st Robot Kaska Missing 83959 0
2nd Birdmen Sparviero Missing 75236 0
3rd Federation Kurita Missing 66995 0
4th Cyborg baol Missing 19198 0
5th Crystalline The Wizard Missing 14855 0
6th Lizard Baltazar Missing 10857 1
7th Colonial 2125 52
8th Fascist 1690 10
9th Privateer 501 6
10th Evil Empire 56
11th Rebel 56

VplNet Italian Host
Ranking Score

Elaborated with MSCORE 4.0 by Mauro Cappelli

RED SESSION 2003 (Jun 2004)


old Mscore Time Malus new Mscore
David A. Hernandez +255 - - +22 +23 +34 +26 +29 +11 +147 +75 - - 622
Giulio Usanza +749 - -22 - +5 +10 +8 +10 +9 +57 +29 - - 855
Kurita +359 - -23 -5 - +9 +11 +14 +7 +89 +47 - - 508
Alessandro Verri +348 - -34 -10 -9 - +5 +10 +5 +72 +40 - - 427
The Wizard +0 - -26 -8 -11 -5 - +8 +3 +95 +56 - - 112
Baltazar -72 - -29 -10 -14 -10 -8 - +1 +71 +47 - - -24
Q Player -2148 - -11 -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 - +50 +100 - - -2034
Gildo Apicella +720 - -147 -57 -89 -72 -95 -71 -50 - +4 - - 143
Francesco Cirone +218 - -75 -29 -47 -40 -56 -47 -100 -4 - - - -180

Game #47- " BLACK SESSION " - Status: Completed
Host Day S___T__
Prossimo Host -- ore: 4.00
Ultimo Host giocato 03/07/04 4.09
Turno Numero 60
Rank Razza Player Alias TurnStatus ITAScore Turni Persi
1st Privateer Iuza Missing 72934 0
2nd Fascist Bilbo Missing 48124 0
3rd Robot Angelo Missing 41259 0
4th Colonial Stefanochek Missing 41037 0
5th Rebel panagor Missing 23580 0
6th Crystalline wilcox Missing 20162 0
7th Lizard 8905 12
8th Federation 521 15
9th Birdmen 57
10th Cyborg 57
11th Evil Empire 57

VplNet Italian Host
Ranking Score

Elaborated with MSCORE 4.0 by Mauro Cappelli

Black Session 2003 (July 2004)


old Mscore Time Malus new Mscore
Davide Tonso +692 - - +37 +16 +12 +14 +22 +11 +44 - - - 798
Corrado Cirio +1463 - -37 - +2 +3 +5 +7 +9 +11 - - - 1463
Angelo Bongiovanni +556 - -16 -2 - +5 +8 +16 +8 +39 - - - 564
Stefano +99 - -12 -3 -5 - +8 +21 +12 +60 - - - 180
Panagor +0 - -14 -5 -8 -8 - +12 +9 +53 - - - 39
Daniele Calanca +134 - -22 -7 -16 -21 -12 - +3 +28 - - - 87
Fabio Mantello -454 - -11 -9 -8 -12 -9 -3 - +37 - - - -469
Antonio Massara +361 - -44 -11 -39 -60 -53 -28 -37 - - - - 89