Campionato Italiano di Vga Planets

Game #15- " Girone ROSSO " - Status: Completed
Host Day S___T__
Prossimo Host -- ore: 4.10
Ultimo Host giocato 14/06/2001 4.18
Turno Numero 60
Rank Razza Player Alias TurnStatus AScore Turni Persi
1 Lizard Bilbo 1407464 0
2 Cyborg Macros the Black 1213261 0
3 Fascist The Klingon 840215 0
4 Privateer max headroom 177917 0
5 Birdmen Cresta 143749 16
6 Colonial Zandor 55033 0
7 Federation Runner73 18854 9
8 Crystalline wilcox  2 0
9 Evil Empire 60
10 Robot Sampei 3
11 Rebel 60

Girone Rosso game uptade

VplNet Italian Host
Ranking Score

Elaborated with MSCORE 4.0 by Mauro Cappelli

Girone Rosso (Jun 2001)


old Mscore Time Malus new Mscore
Bilbo +80 - - +10 +81 +17 +35 +43 +25 +72 +70 - - 433
Macros the Black +96 - -10 - +39 +11 +25 +34 +20 +60 +59 - - 334
The Klingon +954 - -81 -39 - +1 +4 +6 +7 +12 +12 - - 876
Max Headroom -246 - -17 -11 -1 - +14 +29 +21 +69 +74 - - -68
Cresta +0 - -35 -25 -4 -14 - +10 +9 +35 +40 - - 16
Zandor +0 - -43 -34 -6 -29 -10 - +4 +23 +30 - - -65
Runner73 -459 - -25 -20 -7 -21 -9 -4 - +24 +41 - - -480
Wilcox +98 - -72 -60 -12 -69 -35 -23 -24 - +8 - - -189
Sampei +0 - -70 -59 -12 -74 -40 -30 -41 -8 - - - -334