Remember: You can get help at anytime from VPLNET-HOST by sending a message with 'send help' in the subject line.

- To Change Your Settings -----------------------------------------

If you want to change any of these settings, reply to this message
and change any of the below values. Do not change the variable
names or positions - only enter the new value after the colon ':'
to the right of the variable.


Your password is case sensitive. NOTE: If you are changing your
player password below, put your old password (displayed above) in
the subject of the message when you reply.

This should be your REAL name, no handles/aliases :
$PlayerName :

This is your alias if you have one :

Your password
$Password :

Primary E-mail
$EMail :

Second E-mail to CC messages to (sometimes referred to as a "shadow"
$EMail2 :

( The following settings must be set to either 'Yes' or 'No'. These
are not case sensitive )

If you set a second e-mail above, you can togle if it is enabled or
not. Set this to 'No' if you don't want messages CC'd to your second
$UseEMail2 : NO

If set to 'Yes' attachments will be MIME encoded, if set to 'No'
attachments will be UUEncoded. Note that for Long Filenames to be
sent you must use MIME attachments (and set $LongFileSupport to Yes)
$UseMime : NO

Do you support extended filename syntax with attachments?
$LongFileSupport : NO

Periodically I send out general announcements. If you have
BroadCastMsgs set to 'Yes' you will receive these messages.
$BroadCastMsgs : NO

When new games are created and need players, a message is sent to
all players who have NewGameMsgs set to 'Yes'.
$NewGameMsgs : NO

Do you want your attachments Zipped before sending?
$ZipFiles : YES

Do you want to receive warning messages when your TRN has not been
$HostWarning : YES

Do you want to receive warning messages when your ALLIES TRN has not
been recieved?
$AllyHostWarning : YES

Some games can have their RST files uploaded to the website. The
files are zipped and password protected. To enable this option, you
must have Zipfiles set to Yes.

Some people do not want their e-mail address published where others
can see it. If you want your e-mail address kept private, make this 'Yes'.
$PrivateEMail : YES

Thanks. If you send back changes you should get a reply next time
VPLNET-HOST checks its mail.