| |

Dex: |
3D |
Know: |
4D |
Mech: |
2D |
Perc: |
3D |
Stren: |
2D |
Tech: |
4D |
Move: |
10 |
Credits: |
100 |
CharacterPoints: |
5 |
ForceSensitive?: |
No |
ForcePoints: |
1 |
DarkSidePoints: |
0 |
Alter: |
0 |
Control: |
0 |
Sense: |
0 |
| Blaster Pistol DL-18 (4D) |
1 |
Background: Aurin grew up on Coruscant during the last years of the Old Republic, the daughter of two minor bureaucrats who suffered the |
reversals of fortune during the political upheaval surrounding senator Palpatine's rise to supreme power. At 18 she was accepted as a student at |
the Academy of medecine at the University of Byblos, and graduated six years later with large amount of book-knowledge and very little |
practical experience. Aurin decision to join the Rebellion was neither simple nor straightforward, but stemmed from a dramatic event: the |
disappearance of an outspoken co-worker and close friend following imperial interrogation. She served for a couple of years in the triage bay of |
an Alliance medical frigate. |