| |

Dex: |
2D+2 |
Know: |
3D+2 |
Mech: |
2D+1 |
Perc: |
3D |
Stren: |
2D+1 |
Tech: |
4D |
Move: |
9 |
Credits: |
50 |
CharacterPoints: |
5 |
ForceSensitive?: |
Yes |
ForcePoints: |
2 |
DarkSidePoints: |
0 |
Alter: |
0 |
Control: |
0 |
Sense: |
0 |
| Blaster: blaster pistol |
3D+2 |
| Running: long distance |
3D+1 |
| Computer Programming/repair |
5D |
| Comlink headset (personal) |
1 |
| Blaster Pistol DL-18 (4D) |
1 |
Background: You've always been fascinated by life and all its wondrous diversity. But you've also witnessed firsthand how short and painful life |
can be. With all the amazing technology available in the galaxy you're still bewildered that death and destruction are still the preferred methods |
of solving problems. Your training has prepared you to help save lives, but you have to get the rest of the galaxy to cooperate. |
Personality: The tyranny of the Empire must be stopped. But you've sworn to save lives, not to take them, and the rebellionoffers you the |
chance to make a difference. You are the first to offer caution and the last to leave if a team member is hurt. Your teammates get upset when |
you prevent them to use deadly force, but you act as their conscience and caretaker and remind them what the cause is all about. While the |
Rebels often employ methods you find… questionable, you are willing to deal with it, since the wanton cruelty of the Empire is obviously the |
greater of the two evils. |
Objectives: To help relieve the pain and suffering of others whenever possible, despite personal risk. |
A Quote: "Rest now. Don't worry, I'm here and I won't leave you." |