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Mon Calamari Medic
Dex: 2D+2 Know: 3D+2 Mech: 2D+1 Perc: 3D Stren: 2D+1 Tech: 4D
Move: 9 Credits: 50 CharacterPoints: 5 ForceSensitive?: Yes ForcePoints: 2 DarkSidePoints: 0
Alter: 0 Control: 0 Sense: 0

Dodge 3D+2

Blaster: blaster pistol 3D+2

Languages: huttese 4D+2

Cultures 4D+2

Alien Species 4D+2

Running: long distance 3D+1

Medicine (A) 1D

Computer Programming/repair 5D

First Aid 5D

Comlink headset (personal) 1

Medpac 5

Macrobinoculars 1

Medical Datapad 1

Rebel Uniform 1

Glow Rod 1

Revitalizing Vial 1

Blaster Pistol DL-18 (4D) 1
Background: You've always been fascinated by life and all its wondrous diversity. But you've also witnessed firsthand how short and painful life
can be. With all the amazing technology available in the galaxy you're still bewildered that death and destruction are still the preferred methods
of solving problems. Your training has prepared you to help save lives, but you have to get the rest of the galaxy to cooperate.

Personality: The tyranny of the Empire must be stopped. But you've sworn to save lives, not to take them, and the rebellionoffers you the
chance to make a difference. You are the first to offer caution and the last to leave if a team member is hurt. Your teammates get upset when
you prevent them to use deadly force, but you act as their conscience and caretaker and remind them what the cause is all about. While the
Rebels often employ methods you find… questionable, you are willing to deal with it, since the wanton cruelty of the Empire is obviously the
greater of the two evils.

Objectives: To help relieve the pain and suffering of others whenever possible, despite personal risk.

A Quote: "Rest now. Don't worry, I'm here and I won't leave you."


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