| |

Dex: |
3D |
Know: |
3D |
Mech: |
2D |
Perc: |
3D+1 |
Stren: |
2D+2 |
Tech: |
2D |
Move: |
10 |
Credits: |
200 |
CharacterPoints: |
5 |
ForceSensitive?: |
Yes |
ForcePoints: |
2 |
DarkSidePoints: |
0 |
Alter: |
0 |
Control: |
1D |
Sense: |
1D |
| Blaster Pistol DL-18 (4D) |
1 |
Background: You'd like to call yourself a Jedi Knight, but you're not. The flame of that great order has gone out of the galaxy. You received a |
little training at the hands of Adalric Brandl, one of the last of the Jedi. Unfortunately one day your master suddenly vanish fromyour life never |
to reappear, leaving you with an incomplete training. Since them, you've lived wandering without a precise goal, in the hope of finding one day |
your master that you supposed captured (or killed) by the Empire. Thus you joined the rebellion feeling this was the only honorable choice a |
wanna-be Jedi knight like you could make in this troubled times. |
Personality: Loyal to friends, honest and completely faithful to the Jedi Code. |
Objectives: To help the Rebels fight the Emperor and, maybe, find your lost master. |
Connection With Characters: You nourish a genuine feel of respect toward the young Tiala, the group's only other Force-aware creature. You |
feel the Force in her being very strong. Anyway, if you received just a little Jedi training she received no training at all. You'd love to take her as |