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Laado Vullun


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Rodian male 1 (Gorak Khzam - Rodian Officer).png (10516 byte)

Laado Vullun
Rodian Hunter
Dex: 4D+2 Know: 1D+2 Mech: 2D+2 Perc: 3D+2 Stren: 4D+1 Tech: 1D
Move: 10 Credits: 150 CharacterPoints: 5 ForceSensitive?: No ForcePoints: 1 DarkSidePoints: 0
Alter: 0 Control: 0 Sense: 0

Melee Parry: knife 5D+2

Thrown Weapons: knife 5D+2

Melee Combat: knife 5D+2

Blaster: sporting blaster rifle 5D+2

Dodge 5D+2

Survival 2D+2

Hide: camouflage 4D+2

Sneak 4D+2

Search: tracking 4D+2

Climbing/Jumping 5D+1

Stamina 5D+1

Medpac 1

Macrobinoculars 1

Syntherope 1

Water purification kit 1

Medkit 1

Throwing Knife (STR+1) 1

Sporting Blaster Rifle "Light Sport" 1
Background: Hunting is your life. Your ancestor were hunter by birth and you are the incarnation of the typical rodian way of life. Like most
Rodians you worked as a bounty hunter for the first 10 years of your professional career. It wasn't until a client invited you to to accompany
him on a wildlife safari that you discovered the intense thrill of animal chase. You awakened the half-buried instincts of your ancestor and gave
up bounty hunting to become a skilled and respected Galactic Big Game Hunter. As years passed you developed an intense distaste for the
imperials that show no respect for animal life, annihilating whole planets (and hosted species) for the only sake of control and domination.
Thus you decided to join the rebellion just to fullfill your ultimate goal: imperials hunting!

Personality: each hunt for you is a unique experienxe: a battle of wits, a pitting of brute strength verses brute ingenuity. Someday yuo'll meet
your match but until then…

Objectives: Filling the wall of your room with many imperial officers heads.

A Quote: "Oh, did I mention that tomorrow we're leaving the blasters in the camp?"

Connection With Characters: he's in debt with Bahleadee who once saved his life. The Mon Calamari medic managed to extract barehanded two

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