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Malik Renpiar


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Malik Renpiar
Rebel Technician
Dex: 3D Know: 3D Mech: 4D Perc: 2D Stren: 2D Tech: 4D
Move: 10 Credits: 1000 CharacterPoints: 5 ForceSensitive?: No ForcePoints: 1 DarkSidePoints: 0
Alter: 0 Control: 0 Sense: 0

Dodge 4D

Space Transports 5D

Sensors 5D

Space Transports Repair 5D

Repulsorlift Repair 5D

Ground Vehicle Repair 5D

Droid Repair 5D

Datapad 1

Rebel Uniform 1

Work Coveralls 1

Diagnostic Scanner 1

Laser Cutter 1

Circuitry Replacement Part 1

Blaster Pistol DL-18 (4D) 1

Vibroblade (STR+3D) 1
Background: You love to thinker with things - there's always ways to make them better. Given the right tools and enough time, you can improve
anything ever built. Of course this often makes the item illegal to own, but you don't worry much about that. You certainly never let some
bureaucrat tell you how to fix anything. Since the imperials have gone out of their way to make work difficult for you to find, you've taken to
hiding. Now you have decided to join the rebellion.

Personality: You're a "go anywhere, fix anything" sort of person. You're always learning bout new gadgets and how to improve them. It annoys
you when people tell you something can't be done.

Objectives: Help the Rebel restore peace throughout the galaxy, then own your own company someday and let others work for you.

A Quote: "That's all it can do? Let me see it. Yeah, just as I thought. If we remove this stupid safety mechanism, we can boost the energy flow

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