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Mara Pohl


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Mara Pohl
Rebel Fighter Pilot
Dex: 4D Know: 2D Mech: 4D Perc: 2D Stren: 2D Tech: 4D
Move: 10 Credits: 0 CharacterPoints: 5 ForceSensitive?: No ForcePoints: 1 DarkSidePoints: 0
Alter: 0 Control: 0 Sense: 0

Blaster 5D

Starship Shields 5D

Starship Gunnery 5D

Starfighter Piloting 5D

Sensors 5D

Astrogation 5D

Starfighter Repair 5D

Medpac 3

Rebel Uniform 1

Rebel Z-95XT Trainer 1

Blaster Pistol DL-18 (4D) 1
Background: Ever since you were a kid, you've read about starships and generals and heroic battles. Ever since you can remember, you've wanted
to be a fighter pilot. Your parents wanted you to be a lawyer but the Imperial Naval Academy has always been your goal. Later, when the
Empire occupated your planet, everything fell to pieces. Friends and neighbours are dead but you've got your chance to be a pilot, fighting with
the Rebels and you are firmly committed to leave a deep mark in the history of this war.

Personality: Enthusiastic, loyal, energetic and committed. You tend to get overly-excited on a regular basis. You also tend to brag when
sometimes you'd better off keeping your opinions to yourself.

Objectives: you want to be the best pilot in the Alliance!

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