| |

Dex: |
4D |
Know: |
3D+1 |
Mech: |
2D+1 |
Perc: |
3D+1 |
Stren: |
2D+2 |
Tech: |
2D+1 |
Move: |
10 |
Credits: |
1000 |
CharacterPoints: |
5 |
ForceSensitive?: |
No |
ForcePoints: |
1 |
DarkSidePoints: |
0 |
Alter: |
0 |
Control: |
0 |
Sense: |
0 |
| Planetary Systems: Tapani Sector |
4D+1 |
| Sporting Blaster L-15 (3D+1) |
1 |
Background: Being a third son in a lesser family in your hous did not exactly mark you for greatness. Resentful that most of your parents' |
attention focused on your older brothers and bored with your life, you looked elsewhere for a sense of belonging, pride, and excitement. |
Personality: You are headstrong, flamboyant, romantic, and rather insecure. You haven't really discovered who you are yet and resort to an |
exxagerated sense of honor to hide your confusion. You look for constant affirmation of your worth from your peers, and lash out at anyone |
critical of you or your actions. Commoners are the only people you are sure are beneath you, and you make a point in reminding them of that |
fact. You do respect bravery and honor in others, however, and those displaying such attributes can overcome your prejudices. |