| |

Dex: |
2D |
Know: |
2D+2 |
Mech: |
4D |
Perc: |
2D+1 |
Stren: |
4D |
Tech: |
3D |
Move: |
8 |
Credits: |
700 |
CharacterPoints: |
5 |
ForceSensitive?: |
No |
ForcePoints: |
1 |
DarkSidePoints: |
0 |
Alter: |
0 |
Control: |
0 |
Sense: |
0 |
| Blaster: heavy blaster pistol |
3D |
| Languages: sullustan |
3D+2 |
| Planetary Systems: Tapani Sector |
3D+2 |
| Heavy Blaster Pistol DL-44 (5D) |
1 |
Background: You were amongst those who resisted when the Empire invaded your homeworld of Giju. As a result, you lost everything-your |
family, business, and your homeworld. You managed to escape with your life and freedom, but not much else. After a few years serving on a |
Sullustan merchant ship, you came to the Tapani Freeworlds Region, where you could live among Herglics who were still free. Today you have a |
well established cargo run among the Freeworlds, and even take occasional trips into the Expanse and to other sectors. But you are growing |
bored with your predictable life, and as you watch the Empire grow ever more influencial in the Freeworlds, you tink maybe it's time you got |
back into the anti-Empire business. Maybe with the Rebels, maybe with the JAN. |