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Naho Mniie


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Naho Mniie
Herglic Trader
Dex: 2D Know: 2D+2 Mech: 4D Perc: 2D+1 Stren: 4D Tech: 3D
Move: 8 Credits: 700 CharacterPoints: 5 ForceSensitive?: No ForcePoints: 1 DarkSidePoints: 0
Alter: 0 Control: 0 Sense: 0

Dodge 3D

Blaster: heavy blaster pistol 3D

Languages: sullustan 3D+2

Planetary Systems: Tapani Sector 3D+2

Business 3D+2

Astrogation 5D

Sensors 5D

Space Transports 5D

Bargain 3D+1

Heavy Blaster Pistol DL-44 (5D) 1

Comlink (personal) 1
Background: You were amongst those who resisted when the Empire invaded your homeworld of Giju. As a result, you lost everything-your
family, business, and your homeworld. You managed to escape with your life and freedom, but not much else. After a few years serving on a
Sullustan merchant ship, you came to the Tapani Freeworlds Region, where you could live among Herglics who were still free. Today you have a
well established cargo run among the Freeworlds, and even take occasional trips into the Expanse and to other sectors. But you are growing
bored with your predictable life, and as you watch the Empire grow ever more influencial in the Freeworlds, you tink maybe it's time you got
back into the anti-Empire business. Maybe with the Rebels, maybe with the JAN.


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