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AttributeDice 12D

MinDex 1D

MaxDex 4D

MinKnow 1D+1

MaxKnow 2D+2

MinMech 2D

MaxMech 4D+2

MinPerc 1D

MaxPerc 3D

MinStr 1D

MaxStr 3D

MinTech 1D+2

MaxTech 4D

MinMove 10

MaxMove 12

MinSize 1,8

MaxSize 2,2

Special Skills

Starship Intuition: Duros are, by their nature, extremely skilled starship pilots and navigators. When a Duros character is gentrated, 1D (no more)

may be placed in the following skills, For which the character receives 2D of ability:Archaic starship piloting, astrogation, capital ship gunnery,

capital ship shields, sensors, space transports, starfighter piloting, starship gunnery, and starship shields. This bonus also applies to any

specilizations. If the character wishes to have more than 2D in the skill listed, then the skill costs are normal from there on.

Special Abilities

Story Factors

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