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quarren.png (11920 byte)


AttributeDice 12D

MinDex 1D+2

MaxDex 4D+2

MinKnow 1D

MaxKnow 4D

MinMech 2D

MaxMech 4D+2

MinPerc 1D

MaxPerc 3D+2

MinStr 1D

MaxStr 4D+1

MinTech 1D+2

MaxTech 5D

MinMove 9

MaxMove 12

MinSize 1,4

MaxSize 1,9

Special Skills

Special Abilities

Aquatic Survival: At the time of character creation only, characters may place 1D of skill dice in swimming and survival: aquatic and recieve +2D in

the skill.

Aquatic:Quarren can breathe both air and water and can withstand extreme preassures in ocean depths.

Story Factors

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