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ranat.png (22944 byte)


AttributeDice 9D

MinDex 2D

MaxDex 4D

MinKnow +2

MaxKnow 2D

MinMech +2

MaxMech 2D+2

MinPerc 1D

MaxPerc 3D

MinStr 1D+2

MaxStr 3D+2

MinTech 0

MaxTech 1D+2

MinMove 5

MaxMove 7

MinSize 1

MaxSize 1

Special Skills

Strength skills:

Tunnelling: Time to use: three rounds. This ability allows the Ranats to use their teeth and claws to dig through one meter of solid rock (adjust the

distance accordingly for softer or denser materials).

Special Abilities

Teeth: Ranat teeth can cause damage equal to the Ranat's strength +1D.

Story Factors

Annoying: Most sentient species consider the Ranats to be little more that vermin, and are annoyed by the Ranats' insistence that they are a

superior species. In addition, on many planets, semi-intelligent species such as the Ranats may be killed almust with impunity.

Underestimated: No one thinks of Ranats as sapient, so those that can use technology and intelligence have the advantage of supprise.

Learning curve: Ranats learn primitive skills (non-tool using, non-interactive skills) at 2D for every 1D spent ( and one Character Point buys twice

as much skill), but when they try to learn other skills, they only progress half as fast and they should not be allowed to learn really high-tech skills

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