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| Tunnelling: Time to use: three rounds. This ability allows the Ranats to use their teeth and claws to dig through one meter of solid rock (adjust the |
| distance accordingly for softer or denser materials). |
| Teeth: Ranat teeth can cause damage equal to the Ranat's strength +1D. |
| Annoying: Most sentient species consider the Ranats to be little more that vermin, and are annoyed by the Ranats' insistence that they are a |
| superior species. In addition, on many planets, semi-intelligent species such as the Ranats may be killed almust with impunity. |
| Underestimated: No one thinks of Ranats as sapient, so those that can use technology and intelligence have the advantage of supprise. |
| Learning curve: Ranats learn primitive skills (non-tool using, non-interactive skills) at 2D for every 1D spent ( and one Character Point buys twice |
| as much skill), but when they try to learn other skills, they only progress half as fast and they should not be allowed to learn really high-tech skills |