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rishii.png (33061 byte)


AttributeDice 11D

MinDex 2D

MaxDex 4D

MinKnow 1D

MaxKnow 3D+2

MinMech 1D

MaxMech 3D

MinPerc 2D

MaxPerc 4D+1

MinStr 1D

MaxStr 3D+2

MinTech 1D

MaxTech 3D

MinMove 13

MaxMove 18

MinSize 1,6

MaxSize 0

Special Skills

Dexterity skills:

Thrown weapons: sling: This skill allows a Rishii to use their individually built slings (STR+1D; ranges: 3-5/10/15).

Strength skills:

Flight: Rishii characters use this skill to fly, much like humans and other land-based creatures use running. Their speed is 13/18, or 37/52 kmh and

may be improved in the same manner as ground movement (see page 15 of Star Wars, The Role Playing Game: Second Edition).

Special Abilities

Learn Languages: Rishii recieve a +2D when checking to see if they understand a new language; they need only make 5 Very Difficult languages

checks to learn a new language.

Enhanced Senses: Because of their keen eyesight and hearing, Rishii recieve a +1D when using the search skill.

Ignorance: Rishii can only place beginning dice in the following Knowledge, Mechanical, and Technical skills: Knowledge: languages, survival;

Mechanical: beast riding; Technical; first aid. They may not place any beginning skill dice in the following Dexterity skills: blaster, firearms,

grenade, lightsaber, or vehicle blasters.

Story Factors

Move=7/9 (ealking), 13/18 (flying)

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