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gamorrean.png (60983 byte)


AttributeDice 11D

MinDex 2D

MaxDex 4D

MinKnow 1D

MaxKnow 2D

MinMech 1D

MaxMech 1D+2

MinPerc 1D

MaxPerc 3D

MinStr 3D

MaxStr 5D

MinTech 1D

MaxTech 1D+2

MinMove 7

MaxMove 10

MinSize 1,3

MaxSize 1,6

Special Skills

Skill Bonus: Ate the time of creation only, the character gets a 2D for every 1D placed in the melee combat, brawling and thrown weapons skills.

Special Abilities

Voice Box: Due to their unusual voice apparatus, Gamorreans are unable to pronounce Basic, although they understand it perfectly well.

Stamina: Gamorreans have great stamina-whenever asked to make a stamina check they may immediatly make a second check to succeed.

Story Factors

Droid Hate:Most Gamorreans hate Droids and other mechanical beings. During each scene in which a Gamorrean player character needlessly

demolishes a Droid (provided the gamemaster and other players consider the scene amusing), the character should receive an extra Character Point.

Reputation: Gamorreans are widely regarded as primitive, bruatal and mindless. Gamorreans who attempt to show intelligent thought and manners

will often be disregarded and ridiculed by his fellow Gamorreans.

Slavery: Most Gamorreans who have left Gamorr did so by being sold into slavery by their clans.

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