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| Energy Sensitivity:Because Gotals are unusually sensitive to radiation emissions, they receive a +3D to their search skill when hunting such targets |
| that are within 10- kilometers in open areas (such as deserts and open plains). When in crowded areas (such as cities and dense jungles) the bonus |
| drops to +1D and the range drops to less than one kilometer. However, in areas with intense radiation, Gotals suffer a -1D penalty to search because |
| their senses are overwhelmed by radiation static. |
| Mood Detection: Because of their skills at reading the electromagnetic auras of others, Gotals receive bonuses (or penalties) when engaging in |
| iteractive skills with other characters. The Gotal makes a Moderate Perception roll and adds the following bonus to all Perception Skills when |
| making opposed rolls for the rest of that encounter. |
| Roll Misses Difficulty By / Penalty |
| Droid Hate: Gotals suffer a -1D penalty to all Perception based skill rolls when within three meters of a droid, due to the electromagnetic emissions |
| produced by the droid's circuitry. Because of this, a Gotal's opinion of droids will range from dislike to hate, and they will attempt to avoid droids if |
| Reputation: Because of the Gotals' reputation as being overly sensitive to moods and feelings, other species are uncomfortable dealing with them. |
| This often hurts them in matters of haggling, as any species who knows thier reputation will not put themselves in a situation where any dealing |
| must take place. Assign modifiers as appropriate. |